Diamant - Meryl arm shaper 织臂 塑型背心

No. 1 in Europe, manufactured by the world's second largest factory with reliable quality. In Japan, the label of "Meryl" is mark of reliance.

Product Feature 产品特性 

  • use the most popular materials, Meryl, help you to shape your arm comfortably 采用欧日最流行的Meryl材质,帮助您轻松雕塑手臂曲线
  • X-shape design on the back, push up the breast and prevent hunchback    X型美背式加压设计,可防囤积背部脂肪,防止驼背
  • Super strong 420 Denier for augmentation function to achieve slimmer arm   420Denier 强力塑型功能,穿出完美迷人的织臂

Meryl Function Feature  Meryl功能特性
  1. light weight, tender skin touch and comfort 质轻、柔软,穿着舒适
  2. excellent quick-dry 25% faster than cotton 速干性比纯棉快25%
  3. high air permeability 高透气性
  4. high absorbent to the moisture. Maintain the best balance between ambient humidity and body humidity  吸湿性强,可平衡身体与空气之间的湿度
  5. It doesn't seeing-through 遮蔽性佳,可防止透视
  6. weaken the sun beam and dissipate to give tender and natural gloss,reduce cell damage to the skin 减弱太阳光线且平均分散热能,平衡体表温度

Super Conductive Metallic Ion Breast Pad 

away from breast diseases !可以预防胸部病变!